Store SDK

A library to save and retrieve secrets and files.

Create a new store and click on the copy icon to get your STORE KEY


npm install @onboardbase/store
yarn add @onboardbase/store

Initialize the store

import Store from '@onboardbase/store';

const store = new Store('YOUR_STORE_KEY');


Save a secret with a key

await store.set({ key: 'hey', value: 'hello' });

Get a saved secret with a key

await store.get({ key: 'hey' })

Save a secret with a key within a locker

await store.set({ key: 'hey2', value: 'hello-some-locker', lockerKey: 'some-locker' })

Saves the secret inside of the locker if the locker exists, if the locker doesn't it creates the locker then store the secret within it.

Get a saved secret with a key within a locker

await store.get({ key: 'hey2', lockerKey: 'some-locker' })

Saves a file with a key

const fs = require('fs');
const { Blob } = require('buffer');
let buffer = fs.readFileSync('./.gitignore');
let blob = new Blob([buffer]);

await store.setFile({ key: 'hey-file', fileName: 'gitignore', lockerKey: 'some-locker', file: blob });
//  lockerKey is optional, it is created if it doesn't exists before the file is saved

Downloads a file with a key

await store.getFile({ key: 'hey-file', lockerKey: 'some-locker' })