A secret is an environment variable with a given value. Onboardbase stores secrets encrypted at rest (AES-256) and in transit (TLS 1.3).

List all secrets

Each secret is a key-value pair that belongs to a specific project / environment pair:

onboardbase secrets -p [PROJECT NAME] -e [ENVIRONMENT NAME]

A teammate can also list all secrets from the project dashboard:

Note that the secret values are hidden by default. You need Admin or Owner rights to see them.

Find one secret by name

onboardbase secrets:fetch -p sales -e tools SECRET_NAME

Create a secret


Access control

You need admin or owner rights to create secrets.

onboardbase secrets:upload -p [PROJECT NAME] -e [ENVIRONMENT NAME] '{"name":"value", "db_url": "value"}'


onboardbase secrets:upload -p [PROJECT NAME] -e [ENVIRONMENT NAME] --secrets "NAME=value DB_URL=value"

You can also use the project dashboard to create secrets manually, import or drag & drop them from a .env file, or even use a secret template with default variables:

Update a secret


Access control

You need admin or owner rights to update secrets.

Using the CLI

onboardbase secrets:update -p sales -e tools "KEY=VALUE"

Using the dashboard

You can also update secrets directly from the web dashboard.

Delete a secret


Access control

You need admin or owner rights to delete secrets.

onboardbase secrets:delete -p sales -e tools "KEY_ONE KEY_TWO"

Read a multi-line secret

Onboardbase has full support for multiline secrets like ssh keys, but some environments don't support them and tend to read just the first few lines.

Luckily, we have a solution for this―you can pipe the secret to an auto-generated temporary file:

onboardbase run "echo $SSH_KEY > ssh_key.private"

Then read it in your code:

const sshKey = await fs.readFile("./ssh_key.private", "utf8")

Using External Secret Sources

You can use the --source-path to provide a different secret source for Onboardbase to inject into your project.

The argument to --source-path can be any of these three:

  • A local .env file with secrets in KEY=VALUE format
  • A JSON file in the format {"KEY": "VALUE", "KEY2": "VALUE2"}
  • A stringified JSON Object in stdin (file descriptor 0)

Example with a local JSON file

Here is how to inject secrets from a local JSON file with Onboardbase.

onboardbase run "command" --source-path "path/to/file"

For example, if you are running a NodeJS application with an secrets.json file that contains secrets in the form {"KEY": "VALUE", "KEY2": "VALUE2"}, then you can run:

onboardbase run "yarn start" --source-path "./secrets.json"

Example with .env file

If you have a secrets.env file instead with the secrets, you can run:

onboardbase run "yarn start" --source-path "./secrets.env"

Example with a string input

You can pass a stringified JSON object to the --source-path command as follows:

onboardbase run "yarn start" --secrets '{"PORT":3000}'

Example with JSON files over a network

You can also use the --source-path command with a JSON file that is hosted over a network as follows:

curl -s https://yourhostedfile.com/secrets.json  | onboardbase run env --source-path -

Note: Always pass - as the value of --source-path when you are piping from a JSON file over a network. Also, note that the JSON file must follow the format {"KEY": "VALUE", "KEY2": "VALUE2"}

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