
Authenticate your machine with your Onboardbase account to use secrets locally.


To authenticate Onboardbase, run:

onboardbase login

Enter Y to open the URL in a new browser, which would open the CLI login browser for Onboardbase, and check your email to do the final verification.

Return to your terminal, and a welcome message should be logged.

When you use the N option, a webpage URL will be logged in your terminal, copy the link and open it in a browser to complete the login and authentication process.


  • --overwrite : Use onboardbase login --overwrite to overwrite a previous login if you are trying to re-authenticate
onboardbase login --overwrite

Scoped Login

Authentication is scoped to directories, and if you are running this for the first time, the authentication will be scoped to the root directory of your machine, giving it access to all the folders on your machine.

Subsequently, Onboardbase can be authenticated just for the directory you are working from. This means you can be authenticated for different projects on different folders on your machine, and Onboardbase would be able to distinguish which account you want to interact with


To log out from a project, use the logout command and select the scope you want to be logged out from. The auth token attached to your machine for the scope would be revoked and invalid.

onboardbase logout


The onboardbase auth command combines the three commands login, setup and run to get you up and running with Onboardbase quicker. Since onboardbase login requires that you manually follow the prompt to login, onboardbase auth is not suitable to be used in automated scripts.

You need to supply the start command for your application to the onboardbase auth command, and it will walk you through logging in, setting up your project and then starts the project with the start command you provide.

Here is an example, assuming your project's start command is yarn start:

onboardbase auth -c "yarn start"