
Changelog For June 2022


šŸŽ‡ New

  • Integration: You can now integrate your onboardbase project into platforms like vercel, heroku, github and netlify .
  • Command: onboardbase secrets --bash read more here
  • Transfer keys / tokens: You can now choose to transfer a user's auth /service keys to an admin when kicking the teammate out of the team.
  • Team Roles: You can now assign an environment role to teammates in a team called maintainers. This teammate manages the environment they are assigned to for their team
  • Starter Kit: You can now build projects faster without the stress of configuring Onboardbase using our starter kits(Flaskand Reactjs)

šŸ›  Fixes

  • Added fixes for maintainer role
  • Fixed onboardbase secrets:update bug
  • Fixed onboardbase secrets:delete not deleting secrets
  • Fixed onboardbase secrets:upload JSON syntax bug
  • Fixed a bug with onboardbase environment:create returning duplicate secrets which was caused by some API changes
  • Fixed the permission issues with update, upload, delete commands
  • Fixed onboardbase secrets:update, upload, delete, environment duplicate bug