
Changelog For May 2022

🎇 New

  • onboardbase secrets:download command. Download command comes in multiple formats which are: YAML, ENV, Docker, JSON. It also includes a flag no-file which gives the user the ability to specify if they want a downloaded file or just log the secrets to the console.
  • Multi-Line Secrets (PEM, SSH keys)
  • onboardbase scan command. This command helps you scan through your project to filter out .env files and also where you have .env KEY & VALUES

🔊 Changes

  • Improved token security
  • Generate a service token for a specific environment and project.
  • Generate a service token matching all environments and projects.
  • Added Update environment: create error message for easy usage
  • Added --raw flag to onboardbase secrets command amongst the existing supported formats. That is onboardbase secrets --raw
  • Improved onboardbase update command to not require sudo if directory is writable
  • Fallback message when a tunnel subdomain is being used.
  • Commands optimization
  • CLI now only accesses the projects/environments attached to your service token
  • Fallback for service token on the CLI
  • Fix: Added patch for service and device token (no invalid token issue anymore)

❌ Removed

  • Removed integration details returned to the FE.

🛠 Fixes

  • Removed integration details returned to the FE.
  • Fixed onboardbase update command bug
  • Fixed onboardbase secrets: download permission bug
  • Fixed some bugs with onboardbase update
  • Fixed onboardbase run command from allowing users that don't have permission to a specific environment to fetch secrets
  • Fixed service files conflict issues

💊 Depreciated

  • Commands